Jakie materiały o copywritingu polecasz?

poniedziałek, 15 styczeń 07, 12:00

Wszystko Ted’a Nicholas’a i Joe Vitale'go. Zdecydowanie od tego zacznij, będziesz dużo wiedział, jak pisać skutecznie. I oczywiście John Caples „Skuteczna reklama” ( “Tes

 Piotrze, jakie polecasz materiały do nauki copywritingu?

Wszystko Ted’a Nicholas’a i Joe Vitale'go. Zdecydowanie od tego zacznij, będziesz dużo wiedział, jak pisać skutecznie. I oczywiście John Caples „Skuteczna reklama” ( “Testing Advertising Methods”). Ta jedna książka i tych dwóch autorów na początek. A Nicholas naprawdę wymiata, to jest człowiek, który już kilkadziesiąt lat robi w direct mailingu i wie naprawdę bardzo dużo.

I oczywiście też CzasNaE-Biznes, gdzie znajdziesz po polsku bardzo dużo na temat copywritingu, jeżeli jeszcze nie przeczytałeś oczywiście. Jeżeli czytałeś, to polecam Ci tych dwóch autorów i tą jedną książkę, a jeżeli nie czytałeś to zajrzyj na początku na CzasNaE-Biznes, bo tam jest naprawdę masa informacji na ten temat.

Ted Nicholas

This monumental ebook shows you how to prepare profitable copy for your own business with Ted Nicholas' hard won marketing and advertising secrets.

This ebook is written by Ted Nicholas, widely recognized as one of the greatest direct marketing wizards of all time. In "Magic Words" Ted reveals the 17 magic words that can make you a fortune.

In this ebook, Ted Nicholas tells you step-by-step how to start and prosper in your very own direct marketing business. These are the techniques that helped Ted earn 1,000,000 dollars in just six months.

This ebook that tells you how to enter the world of publishing and make thousands, even million of dollars.

Joe Vitale

This is a complete collection of Joe's most popular products.

HypnoticMarketing.com (polskie wydanie)
This ebook book shows you techniques on how to make your publicity, emails and websites hypnotic. It also includes Joe Vitale's 3-step marketing strategy called "Guaranteed Outcome Marketing," which can increase your business by 70% -- in less than 90 days

This course, by Joe Vitale (recognized by many as the best copywriter in the U.S.), shows you how to use "hypnotic" tricks in your writing to get people to more easily agree with you. A must for anyone who wants to write persuasively.

This ebook is the unparalleled sequel to Joe Vitale's blockbuster "Hypnotic Writing." It reveals how to use the phenomenon of hypnotic suggestion to turn your words into cash.

This ebook tells you how to get free publicity by writing hypnotic articles for e-zines and Web sites -- in 7 minutes or less.

This ebook shows you how to write persuasive endorsements that can help you increase sales.


An ebook that tells you how to get free advertising for your business by writing hypnotic joint venture proposals.

Learn how to influence your prospects' subconscious minds with these 1739 hypnotic words, phrases and sentences.

This is a collection of over 1,550 copywriting gems that took Joe Vitale and Larry Dotson years to compile. This is their personal swipe file that they use to create world famous sales letters responsible for generating millions and millions of dollars of revenue.

ImpulseInternetMarketing.com (polskie wydanie)
This ebook tells you how to use 49 psychological tricks Las Vegas casinos use, to make your business pay off like a slot machine.

Learn how to bypass your prospects' unconscious minds and get them to buy anything you sell

An interactive online video advertising course featuring book, workbook, and video instruction that has been one of our bestsellers. And since we can all learn from the masters, it also features several reproductions of hugely successful ad campaigns.



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